Thursday, September 15, 2005

A Dead End

The NKJV has John 1:16 translated as, "And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace."

I thought today of how the Presence of God in my Life is such a Blessing and Honour and Priviledge and how I did nothing to deserve it. I thought of the people that I come into contact with in my daily life in work and how they have all the qualifications and fit all the criteria that makes them eligible to receive Grace just as I did, namely, that they are alive in this time just before Jesus Returns. I feel then that as I have received Grace, I should bestow Grace upon others. I am learning that this is done at the discretion of the Holy Spirit, Him having His own will and voice thus enabling Him to communicate His will to me for my Obedience. "Grace FOR Grace" God's Grace shouldn't END with the person that receives it and the person that receives it should not frustrate it. The person that receives God's Grace should [must] allow themselves to be changed by it thus becoming an outlet of God's Grace - one from whom streams of Living Water will flow.

"Of His fulness" to me refers to the fact that in receiving the Holy Spirit [New Birth] you receive ALL of the person of Jesus Christ just as in child-birth a whole child is born and not an arm and a leg or an eye a leg and a nose.

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